Produktbild: MICA IL-800 ATEX ZONE 1+2
Produktbild: MICA IL-800 ATEX ZONE 1+2

Product features

    Item no: 40__117511

    The MICA IL800 LED ATEX has powerful electronics, versatile features and an extremely robust construction, ideal for the explosion-proof area. The lamp life is 50,000 hours, which virtually rules out relamping.
    The impact-resistant housing is made from an antistatic plastic and is dust- and watertight (IP67). The lens consists of a 5 mm thick, especially tempered glass. The flashlight has versatile functions and an extremely robust construction.
    The latest electronics protects the battery from deep discharge and warns when the battery is low. This is done by flashing the light beam when only a residual capacity for about 20-30 minutes is available. Zone 0 and Zone 1 are also available with emergency light or flashing mode.
    The IL800 LED is compatible with the ILC charger and will fully charged within about 5.5 hours. Furthermore, the it can also be equipped with CRI 90+ LEDs.
    MICA IL800 TUV lamps are certified and adapted by a specially certified manufacturing process on for the zone 0th
    Please note: In order to charge you need the power supply IL2 (SKU 40__112700) and the charger ILC (SKU 40__112300).


    Ladegerät ILC
    Das intelligente Schnellladegerät ILC ist Bestandteil des Standardzubehörs für die Handleuchten der IL640, IL6400 bzw. IL800 Serie. Mit diesem Ladegerät ist die Handleuchte stets einsatzbereit, denn durch die robuste, umschließende Aluminiumkonstruktion kann das Ladegerät in nahezu allen Umgebungen (z.B. Kfz-Ladung) genutzt werden. Das Gerät kann direkt an einen Zigarettenanzünder 12…24V/DC angeschlossen werden. Hierzu wird das 3m Zigarettenanzünderkabel (Artikelnummer: 40__001112) …
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