Quick battery charger MLC 12-30 V DC

Produktbild: Ladegerät MLC
Produktbild: Ladegerät MLC

Product features

    Item no: 40__114480

    190 g

    The terminal voltage of the charger is 12 ... 24 V / DC, and is thus provided for the car load. You must have the 3m cigarette lighter cable (Item number: 40__001112) or alternatively the supply cable with open ends (SKU 40__001113). Would you like to operate the charger to the house mains (230V), so you also need dasNetzteil IL2.

    Technical Data

    Charge Time2,5 h
    Temperature (max)40 °C
    Dimensions142 x 83 x 22 mm
    Weight0,19 kg
    Temperature (min)5 °C
    Product description and technichal data, as well as availability can be changed without notice. Technical changes and errors reserved!


    Item no. 40__001112
    » read more
    Für Autoladung, 3 m für 12 bsi 30 V DC-Anschluss mit Schraubstecker und Verpolungsschutz
    Item no. 40__001113
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    Netzteil IL2
    Item no. 40__112700
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